Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Business Directory

The businesses within the community are putting together a mailer for the residence of Brookstone. If you are interested in being in this mailer please contact Erica.Wink@gmail.com for more details. (All information is due in by September 1st)

Brookstone Playdates

I know we have many SAHM (and dads) in the community, including myself, so why not all get together. There have been post on the Brookstone message boards (www.BrookstoneMcKinney.com) asking for a playground, so let's try to get one started.

Let's all meet on the playground Tuesday, September 9th at 10am. We can further discuss then what we want to do in the future. I hope you and your little one(s) can make it, I would hate to be the only one on the playground. =)

Bunko Night

We are going to have our first Bunko party on September 18th for the community. Bunko starts at 7pm, and it will be $5 to enter. All of the money goes towards the prizes to be given away at the end of the night. If you do not know how to play this will be a great opportunity because we will teach you!! Bunko is open to everyone of all ages. If you are interested in playing or have any questionsplease contact Erica at Erica.Wink@gmail.com. Please contact me ASAP so we can make arrangment for everyone, and know how many people to expect.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!