Monday, December 22, 2008

Tour of Lights

Wow, what a turn out for a 28 degree night in Texas. Thank you everyone who attended the Tour of Lights event on tonight, as well as all of you who participated in the cake walk. I know it was cold, but what a bunch of troopers.

I hope everyone had a great time driving around in the warm limo looking at all of the lights. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

If you would like a copy of any of the pictures in the slide show please email me with the number below the slide and I will send you the full file.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a wonderful time, thank you!
But there's a GRINCH that has struck our home (Pebble Ridge Drive)TWICE, once last week and today, cutting our lights.

You know we just recently moved to Texas and wanted it to be very special for our children. Since we moved here from out of state, away from our friends and family, we decided to decorate our home for our children. The looks in their eyes as we drive up to our house is priceless, the excitement and pride that they have in our new home.

I don't know if it was a mischevious child or teenager, but it's just not cool destroying someone else's property. What happened to respecting others property.

Our lights are for all to enjoy, especially our children. Several strings of lights are ruined and we are hoping that we will have some lights left through the Holiday.

Please remind the older children and teenagers that it's not all about them, there are two little kids (3&5) sad that their hard work helping with the lights was clearly cut deliberately.